NCAA Revenue Sharing – Beach Volleyball Teams

Estimated 2025-26 Revenue Sharing – Beach Volleyball

Under the proposed settlement in House V NCAA, schools will be able to share revenue with their athletes not to exceed the lesser of 22% of their annual athletic revenues or $ 21 million per year. We analyzed the most recent NCAA financial reporting from several NCAA I public universities and arrived at some estimates for beach volleyball team revenue sharing scheduled to begin in the 2025-26 season:

Estimated Revenue
Sharing - Beach VB
ConferenceBeach VB Team
Revenue Share
# of
per player
Revenue %
Beach VB
Est Revenue
Sharing 2025
Total 2023
Revenue *
Washington Big Ten 12,628 14 902 0.1% 21,000,000 98,468,704
Oregon Big Ten 9,237 19 486 0.0% 21,000,000 109,439,421
UtahBig-12 8,082 16 505 0.1% 16,049,837 72,953,805
Louisiana State SEC 3,539 19 186 0.0% 21,000,000 138,574,324
Tennessee Tech OVC - 13 - 0.0% 721,811 3,280,961
P5 School Average4 8,372 17 520 0.0% 19,762,459 104,859,064

Estimated revenue sharing is allocated per team based on the percentage of that team’s revenues to revenue from all sports as reported in the school’s most recent (2023) NCAA financial reporting. A significant variable here is athletic department revenue not allocated to a specific team.  Based on the NCAA reports this can be anywhere from 6% to 37% of school athletic department revenue. Our estimates assume this non-specific revenue will be allocated in the same proportion as the team’s revenue percentage to all sports.

Football and Men’s basketball account for close to 95% of all specific team allocated revenues at Power Conference schools, and athletes in these two sports will be the major beneficiaries of revenue sharing. Consequently, revenue sharing available to athletes in virtually all other sports will be minimal to modest at most schools. The NCAA and its member schools are well aware of this disparity and have consequently proposed to significantly increase the number of potential scholarships available to NCAA athletes.

For beach volleyball, the proposal is to increase the maximum number of athletic scholarships from 6 to 19 per team – this will also represent the limit of players on an NCAA I beach volleyball roster.  So in theory, all 19 players could receive a full scholarship. However, scholarships awards are optional – a school can fully fund a sport, or make awards less than the maximum allowed. 

* Computed Athletic Department revenue includes event tickets and admission fees, game guarantees, TV, media, licensing, advertising, sponsorships and royalty rights, bowl game, NCAA and conference distributions and all related revenues. Revenue does not include direct or indirect school support, student fees or unrecompensed (i.e. charitable) contributions to the athletic department from alumni and boosters.

Additions or Changes? Contact us at: [email protected] 

Statistics compiled & edited by Patrick O’Rourke, CPA Washington, DC