NCAA Revenue Sharing & NIL Collectives – Conference USA Schools

Estimated NCAA Revenue Sharing 2025-26: Conference USA Schools

NCAA Revenue Sharing
estimates 2025-26 *
22% of
Est Revenue
Sharing 2025
Florida International 10,457,738 2,300,702 2,300,702
Jacksonville State 3,115,248 685,355 685,355
Kennesaw State University 4,835,519 1,063,814 1,063,814
Liberty ******
Louisiana Tech 7,982,795 1,756,215 1,756,215
Middle Tennessee State 8,851,990 1,947,438 1,947,438
New Mexico State 8,911,525 1,960,536 1,960,536
Sam Houston State 5,405,153 1,189,134 1,189,134
Texas at El Paso 10,083,334 2,218,333 2,218,333
Western Kentucky 7,551,622 1,661,357 1,661,357
Average per school $ 7,466,103 $ 1,642,543 $ 1,642,543

* These are estimates of Revenue sharing per school allowed under the proposed NCAA revenue sharing model scheduled to become effective for the 2025-26 fiscal year. This table assumes each school will share 22% of its annual revenue with its athletes not to exceed the annual NCAA cap estimated to be $ 20.5 million for the 2025-26 fiscal year. However, any school can revenue share up to the $ 20.5 million cap even if it exceeds 22% of its annual revenue.  Participation is optional, schools can elect not to share revenues with athletes, or share revenues at any amount less than the annual cap. The cap is estimated to increase to around $ 30 million annually per school over the next ten years. Revenue sharing is in addition to any 3rd party NIL compensation and athletic scholarships received by athletes.

** Data is currently available only for public colleges & universities, detailed data is not currently available for private colleges & universities. See our Methodology page for a summary of our data sources and procedures.

Computed revenue includes event tickets and admission fees, TV, media and royalty rights, bowl game and event compensation and all related revenues. Revenue does not include funds from school support, student fees or unrecompensed (i.e. charitable) contributions to the athletic department from alumni and boosters.

Estimated NIL Collective Funding 2024-25 Conference USA Schools:

Conference USA 2023-24
Member Schools - 20239
Member Schools - 202410
Schools with Supporting Collectives8
Average Collective Funding per School 2023-24 * $ 594,969

Note: The average funding per collective will decline substantially with the advent of revenue sharing beginning in the 2025-26 academic year. NIL collectives became a factor in college sports as they performed a function that schools were prohibited from doing themselves. However, with revenue sharing, schools can directly compensate athletes up to $ 20.5 million annually, and the reliance on collectives will be significantly reduced going forward. Schools are facing steep new financial obligations, and most will be looking to redirect booster contributions currently going to collectives, back to the schools to help pay for revenue sharing and increased scholarship commitments.

Conference USA Schools 2023-24:

Funding *
Florida International CUSACUSA $ 229,930 1,399,013 774,837 624,176
Jacksonville State CUSACUSAn/an/an/an/a
Kennesaw State UniversityASUNCUSA$ 362,7032,206,872635,600
Liberty CUSACUSAn/an/an/an/a
Louisiana Tech CUSACUSANonen/an/an/a
Middle Tennessee StateCUSACUSANonen/an/an/a
New Mexico State CUSACUSA $ 680,038 4,137,703 1,465,012 2,672,691
Sam Houston State CUSACUSA $ 238,669 1,452,185 307,512 1,144,673
Texas at El PasoCUSACUSA $ 955,659 5,814,721 2,318,851 3,495,870
Western Kentucky CUSACUSA $ 870,548 5,296,863 2,281,717 3,015,146

* See our disclosure of Methodology as to how these estimates were arrived at.

Listing of Conference USA NIL Collectives  by School:

Florida International The Blueprint Collective
Jacksonville State Gamecock-NIL
Liberty Flames Rising NIL CollectiveFlames Diamond Collective
Kennesaw State UniversityOwls Collective
Louisiana Tech
Middle Tennessee State
New Mexico State A-Mountain Sports
Sam Houston State Kat Fund
Texas at El PasoThe Miner Collective
Western Kentucky Red Towel Trust


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Statistics compiled & edited by Patrick O’Rourke, CPA Washington, DC