NCAA Revenue Sharing & NIL Collectives – Other NCAA I Schools

Estimated NCAA Revenue Sharing 2025-26: Other NCAA I Schools

This data includes NCAA I public universities that are not members of either a P5 or G5 conference – the table can be sorted by school, conference, revenue or 2025 revenue sharing cap.

NCAA Revenue Sharing
Estimates 2025-26 *
22% of
Est Revenue
Sharing 2025
ConnecticutBig East 29,535,973 6,497,914 6,497,914
HawaiiBig West 15,608,789 3,433,934 3,433,934
North Dakota StateSummit 13,148,781 2,892,732 2,892,732
North DakotaSummit 12,204,707 2,685,036 2,685,036
MontanaBig Sky 11,918,096 2,621,981 2,621,981
South Dakota StateSummit 10,731,339 2,360,895 2,360,895
Montana StateBig Sky 9,421,648 2,072,763 2,072,763
William & MaryCAA 9,092,373 2,000,322 2,000,322
Nebraska-OmahaSummit 9,074,612 1,996,415 1,996,415
MassachusettsA10 9,021,011 1,984,622 1,984,622
Illinois StateMVC 8,116,615 1,785,655 1,785,655
Jackson StateSWAC 7,773,812 1,710,239 1,710,239
Virginia CommonwealthA10 7,602,581 1,672,568 1,672,568
Missouri StateMVC 7,096,823 1,561,301 1,561,301
New HampshireAM East 6,416,670 1,411,667 1,411,667
California-DavisBig West 6,373,174 1,402,098 1,402,098
Southeastern LouisianaSouthland 5,802,004 1,276,441 1,276,441
Southern IllinoisMVC 5,531,987 1,217,037 1,217,037
South DakotaSummit 5,522,744 1,215,004 1,215,004
IdahoBig Sky 5,475,898 1,204,698 1,204,698
Florida A&MSWAC 5,291,597 1,164,151 1,164,151
Rhode IslandA10 5,264,067 1,158,095 1,158,095
AlbanyAM East 5,221,198 1,148,664 1,148,664
Northern IowaMVC 5,080,013 1,117,603 1,117,603
California PolytechnicBig West 5,078,219 1,117,208 1,117,208
SouthernSWAC 5,018,375 1,104,043 1,104,043
Sacramento StateBig Sky 4,720,801 1,038,576 1,038,576
George MasonA10 4,620,770 1,016,569 1,016,569
Stony BrookCAA 4,552,632 1,001,579 1,001,579
McNeese StateSouthland 4,460,526 981,316 981,316
Alabama StateSWAC 4,458,891 980,956 980,956
MaineAM East 4,294,310 944,748 944,748
VermontAM East 4,287,365 943,220 943,220
East Tennessee StateSouthern 4,254,929 936,084 936,084
Arkansas-Pine BluffSWAC 4,253,463 935,762 935,762
Northern ColoradoBig Sky 4,117,149 905,773 905,773
LamarSouthland 4,040,619 888,936 888,936
CitadelSouthern 3,931,356 864,898 864,898
Northern ArizonaBig Sky 3,922,043 862,849 862,849
California-IrvineBig West 3,709,359 816,059 816,059
Youngstown StateHorizon 3,698,887 813,755 813,755
North FloridaASUN 3,598,743 791,723 791,723
Texas SouthernSWAC 3,598,136 791,590 791,590
North Carolina A&TCAA 3,579,281 787,442 787,442
Southern UtahWAC 3,568,515 785,073 785,073
Tennessee-ChattanoogaSouthern 3,529,320 776,450 776,450
Murray StateMVC 3,526,246 775,774 775,774
Central ArkansasASUN 3,521,414 774,711 774,711
College of CharlestonCAA 3,470,276 763,461 763,461
Austin PeayASUN 3,443,351 757,537 757,537
Stephen F. AustinWAC 3,437,325 756,212 756,212
Eastern KentuckyASUN 3,350,516 737,114 737,114
Eastern WashingtonBig Sky 3,305,381 727,184 727,184
TowsonCAA 3,304,287 726,943 726,943
South Carolina StateMEAC 3,288,021 723,365 723,365
Prairie View A&MSWAC 3,269,726 719,340 719,340
Weber StateBig Sky 3,260,976 717,415 717,415
Western CarolinaSouthern 3,258,688 716,911 716,911
Idaho StateBig Sky 3,251,217 715,268 715,268
Long Beach StateBig West 3,244,095 713,701 713,701
Norfolk StateMEAC 3,102,827 682,622 682,622
Eastern IllinoisOVC 3,014,524 663,195 663,195
Tennessee TechOVC 2,966,636 652,660 652,660
OaklandHorizon 2,918,138 641,990 641,990
Alcorn StateSWAC 2,918,132 641,989 641,989
Nicholls StateSouthland 2,823,129 621,088 621,088
North Carolina WilmingtonCAA 2,783,777 612,431 612,431
Northwestern State LaSouthland 2,718,473 598,064 598,064
BinghamtonAM East 2,628,552 578,281 578,281
Indiana StateMVC 2,573,065 566,074 566,074
Tennessee-MartinOVC 2,517,550 553,861 553,861
Florida Gulf CoastASUN 2,517,260 553,797 553,797
Southeast Missouri StateOVC 2,508,796 551,935 551,935
Grambling StateSWAC 2,489,931 547,785 547,785
Portland StateBig Sky 2,489,848 547,767 547,767
California-Santa BarbaraBig West 2,466,132 542,549 542,549
Tarleton StateWAC 2,441,406 537,109 537,109
Western IllinoisOVC 2,390,542 525,919 525,919
Texas-ArlingtonWAC 2,389,367 525,661 525,661
Arkansas-Little RockOVC 2,310,583 508,328 508,328
Texas A&M-Corpus ChristiSouthland 2,271,799 499,796 499,796
Massachusetts-LowellAM East 2,225,277 489,561 489,561
Southern Illinois EdwardsvilleOVC 2,216,427 487,614 487,614
Illinois-ChicagoMVC 2,194,742 482,843 482,843
Utah TechWAC 2,148,856 472,748 472,748
North Carolina CentralMEAC 2,102,571 462,566 462,566
Utah ValleyWAC 2,091,610 460,154 460,154
Tennessee StateOVC 2,002,408 440,530 440,530
Wisconsin-Green BayHorizon 1,890,485 415,907 415,907
North AlabamaASUN 1,881,761 413,987 413,987
Morehead StateOVC 1,876,261 412,777 412,777
VMISouthern 1,851,268 407,279 407,279
North Carolina GreensboroSouthern 1,843,583 405,588 405,588
California State-FullertonBig West 1,817,621 399,877 399,877
Missouri-Kansas CitySummit 1,790,439 393,897 393,897
Texas-Rio Grande ValleyWAC 1,787,569 393,265 393,265
Cleveland StateHorizon 1,786,021 392,925 392,925
Central ConnecticutNEC 1,763,424 387,953 387,953
RadfordBig South 1,761,835 387,604 387,604
Wright StateHorizon 1,714,794 377,255 377,255
Maryland-Baltimore CtyAM East 1,692,086 372,259 372,259
Wisconsin-MilwaukeeHorizon 1,623,233 357,111 357,111
Mississippi Valley StateSWAC 1,593,781 350,632 350,632
Northern KentuckyHorizon 1,526,658 335,865 335,865
Maryland-Eastern ShoreMEAC 1,466,750 322,685 322,685
North Carolina AshevilleBig South 1,421,565 312,744 312,744
California-San DiegoBig West 1,382,837 304,224 304,224
New Jersey TechAM East 1,349,787 296,953 296,953
Alabama A&MSWAC 1,345,574 296,026 296,026
California State-BakersfieldBig West 1,254,479 275,985 275,985
Morgan StateMEAC 1,247,370 274,421 274,421
California-RiversideBig West 1,241,054 273,032 273,032
Coppin StateMEAC 1,215,677 267,449 267,449
Purdue Fort WayneHorizon 1,191,837 262,204 262,204
LongwoodBig South 1,158,308 254,828 254,828
WinthropBig South 1,149,466 252,883 252,883
Indiana-Purdue IndianapolisHorizon 1,132,733 249,201 249,201
California State-NorthridgeBig West 979,609 215,514 215,514
South Carolina UpstateBig South 963,236 211,912 211,912
Delaware StateMEAC 835,191 183,742 183,742
New OrleansSouthland 681,927 150,024 150,024
Chicago StateNEC 533,237 117,312 117,312

* These are estimates of Revenue sharing per school allowed under the proposed NCAA revenue sharing model scheduled to become effective for the 2025-26 fiscal year. This table assumes each school will share 22% of its annual revenue with its athletes not to exceed the annual NCAA cap estimated to be $ 20.5 million for the 2025-26 fiscal year. However, any school can revenue share up to the $ 20.5 million cap even if it exceeds 22% of its annual revenue.  Participation is optional, schools can elect not to share revenues with athletes, or share revenues at any amount less than the annual cap. The cap is estimated to increase to around $ 30 million annually per school over the next ten years. Revenue sharing is in addition to any 3rd party NIL compensation and athletic scholarships received by athletes.

Data is currently available only for public colleges & universities, detailed data is not currently available for private colleges & universities. See our Methodology page for a summary of our data sources and procedures.

Computed revenue includes event tickets and admission fees, TV, media and royalty rights, bowl game and event compensation and all related revenues. Revenue does not include funds from school support, student fees or unrecompensed (i.e. charitable) contributions to the athletic department from alumni and boosters.

Projected NIL Collective Funding by other NCAA I Schools:

Based on 2022 Total Booster & Fan support, the following is our estimate of NIL collective 2023-24 funding per school. Public universities only – private schools are not reported here due to lack of data. See our disclosure of Methodology as to how these estimates were arrived at:

Other NCAA I Schools
Public Universities
University of ConnecticutBig East $ 3,839,690 23,362,661 9,747,824 13,614,837
University of MontanaBig Sky $ 2,167,846 13,190,294 6,183,720 7,006,574
North Dakota State UniversitySummit $ 2,070,608 12,598,652 5,961,999 6,636,653
Montana State UniversityBig Sky $ 1,553,594 9,452,866 4,436,089 5,016,777
University of Hawaii at ManoaBig West $ 1,051,850 6,399,998 1,950,230 4,449,768
Virginia Commonwealth UniversityA10 $ 902,755 5,492,825 2,132,585 3,360,240
University of Northern ColoradoBig Sky $ 779,260 4,741,421 522,402 4,219,019
Florida Gulf Coast UniversityASUN $ 757,497 4,609,004 825,822 3,783,182
University of MassachusettsA10 $ 743,864 4,526,052 1,626,956 2,899,096
University of Northern IowaMVC $ 704,682 4,287,650 1,135,780 3,151,870
George Mason UniversityA10 $ 612,537 3,726,993 617,434 3,109,559
University of Rhode IslandA10 $ 561,639 3,417,304 1,281,600 2,135,704
University of Nebraska at OmahaSummit $ 556,138 3,383,828 2,633,319 750,509
University of Tennessee-ChattanoogaSouthern $ 549,269 3,342,037 803,128 2,538,909
Indiana State UniversityMVC $ 524,475 3,191,177 348,145 2,843,032
Southern Illinois UniversityMVC $ 524,242 3,189,757 1,074,469 2,115,288
McNeese State UniversitySouthland $ 519,547 3,161,193 897,853 2,263,340
Stephen F Austin State UniversityWAC $ 427,846 2,603,236 558,338 2,044,898
Towson UniversityCAA $ 411,577 2,504,246 265,996 2,238,250
Murray State UniversityMVC $ 409,722 2,492,963 1,273,984 1,218,979
Illinois State UniversityMVC $ 382,828 2,329,322 1,426,063 903,259
Weber State UniversityBig Sky $ 372,994 2,269,488 617,398 1,652,090
University of California-Santa BarbaraBig West $ 371,000 2,257,353 231,232 2,026,121
Kennesaw State UniversityASUN $ 362,703 2,206,872 635,600 1,571,272
Univ of North Carolina WilmingtonCAA $ 355,627 2,163,817 652,718 1,511,099
University of North AlabamaASUN $ 303,471 1,846,475 312,542 1,533,933
Northwestern State University Southland $ 295,595 1,798,555 215,433 1,583,122
Univ of Wisconsin-Green BayHorizon $ 292,411 1,779,182 389,835 1,389,347
Lamar UniversitySouthland $ 284,546 1,731,323 475,090 1,256,233
Tarleton State UniversityWAC $ 281,304 1,711,601 604,450 1,107,151
Univ of North Carolina at GreensboroSouthern $ 274,806 1,672,059 131,664 1,540,395
Northern Kentucky UniversityHorizon $ 272,399 1,657,416 242,279 1,415,137
Austin Peay State UniversityASUN $ 253,579 1,542,908 417,101 1,125,807
Youngstown State UniversityHorizon $ 245,788 1,495,499 417,712 1,077,787
Stony Brook UniversityCAA $ 224,341 1,365,006 572,319 792,687
Indiana-Purdue Univ- Fort WayneHorizon $ 213,519 1,299,159 78,078 1,221,081
Grambling State UniversitySWAC $ 203,964 1,241,020 763,192 477,828
University at AlbanyAm East $ 202,187 1,230,213 406,713 823,500
Longwood UniversityBig South $ 195,164 1,187,479 74,200 1,113,279
Univ of North Carolina at AshevilleBig South $ 194,803 1,185,280 45,071 1,140,209
Utah Valley UniversityWAC $ 191,396 1,164,552 224,785 939,767
Eastern Kentucky UniversityASUN $ 161,551 982,959 296,858 686,101
Texas A & M - Corpus ChristiSouthland $ 118,556 721,355 210,723 510,632
University of Illinois at ChicagoMVC $ 115,207 700,979 102,727 598,252
University of Missouri-Kansas CitySummit $ 102,761 625,253 113,867 511,386
University of California-RiversideBig West $ 76,105 463,064 54,951 408,113
Alcorn State UniversitySWAC $ 36,786 223,822 223,822 -
University of North DakotaSummit$ 1,602,7279,751,8225,874,4033,877,419

Note: The average funding per collective will decline substantially with the advent of revenue sharing beginning in the 2025-26 academic year. NIL collectives became a factor in college sports as they performed a function that schools were prohibited from doing themselves. However, with revenue sharing, schools can directly compensate athletes up to $ 20.5 million annually, and the reliance on collectives will be significantly reduced going forward. Schools are facing steep new financial obligations, and most will be looking to redirect booster contributions currently going to collectives, back to the schools to help pay for revenue sharing and increased scholarship commitments.

* Important – see our disclosure of Methodology as to how these estimates were arrived at.

NIL Collectives – Non-Power 5 / Group of 5 Conferences:

Based on the projected 2023-24 NIL Market, the following is our estimate of NIL Collective funding for other NCAA I Schools not in Power 5 or Group of 5 Conferences:

NIL Collectives - Other NCAA I Schools
Non Power 5 / Group of 5 conferences
America East927
Atlantic 1015141
Atlantic Sun1266
Big East 1111-
Big Sky1046
Big South936
Big West1138
Coastal Athletic 1468
Horizon League1156
Ivy League8-8
Metro Atlantic1129
Missouri Valley12102
Ohio Valley11-11
Patriot League1019
Summit League963
West Coast954
Western Athletic1165
Totals - 23293139


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Statistics compiled & edited by Patrick O’Rourke, CPA Washington, DC