NCAA Revenue Sharing & NIL Collectives – SEC Schools

Estimated NCAA Revenue Sharing 2025-26: SEC Schools

Revenue Sharing
estimates 2025*
22% of
Est Revenue
Sharing 2025
Alabama 143,674,059 31,608,293 20,500,000
Arkansas 128,309,736 28,228,142 20,500,000
Auburn 122,045,527 26,850,016 20,500,000
Florida 123,787,622 27,233,277 20,500,000
Georgia 125,201,819 27,544,400 20,500,000
Kentucky 131,139,792 28,850,754 20,500,000
Louisiana State 123,379,555 27,143,502 20,500,000
Mississippi 93,462,097 20,561,661 20,500,000
Mississippi State 88,041,139 19,369,051 19,369,051
Missouri 98,443,897 21,657,657 20,500,000
Oklahoma 134,140,083 29,510,818 20,500,000
South Carolina 102,805,072 22,617,116 20,500,000
Tennessee 117,878,812 25,933,339 20,500,000
Texas 161,316,575 35,489,647 20,500,000
Texas A & M 138,935,509 30,565,812 20,500,000
Vanderbilt ********
Average per School $ 122,170,753 $ 26,877,566 $ 20,424,460

Football and Men’s basketball account for close to 95% of all specific team allocated revenues at most Power Conference schools, and athletes in these two sports will be the major beneficiaries of revenue sharing:

Est Revenue
Sharing 2025
Sharing %
$ Share
Average $
per Athlete
Football77.1% 15,745,300 105149,955
Men's Basketball15.6% 3,183,722 15 215,116
All Other Sports7.3% 1,495,438 338 4,424
SEC Average100.0% 20,424,460 458

* These are estimates of Revenue sharing per school allowed under the proposed NCAA revenue sharing model scheduled to become effective for the 2025-26 fiscal year. This table assumes each school will share 22% of its annual revenue with its athletes not to exceed the annual NCAA cap estimated to be $ 20.5 million for the 2025-26 fiscal year. However, a school (such as Mississippi State above) can revenue share up to the $ 20.5 million cap even if it exceeds 22% of its annual revenue.  Participation is optional, schools can elect not to share revenues with athletes, or share revenues at any amount less than the annual cap. The cap is estimated to increase to around $ 30 million annually per school over the next ten years. Revenue sharing is in addition to any 3rd party NIL compensation and athletic scholarships received by athletes.

These are averages per athlete. In actuality, a few players per team will receive substantially higher than the average, while many will get much less. For players who see little if any playing time, their revenue share will also likely be little or none.

Computed Athletic Department revenue includes event tickets and admission fees, game guarantees, TV, media, licensing, advertising, sponsorships and royalty rights, bowl game, NCAA and conference distributions and all related revenues. Revenue does not include direct or indirect school support, student fees or unrecompensed (i.e. charitable) contributions to the athletic department from alumni and boosters.

** Data is currently available only for public colleges & universities, detailed data is not currently available for private colleges & universities. See our Methodology page for a summary of our data sources and procedures.


Estimated NIL Collective Funding 2024-25 SEC Schools:

SEC Conference 2023-24
Member Schools - 202314
Member Schools - 202416
Average Collective Funding per School 2023-24 * $ 13,292,501
Average Collective Funding per School 2024-25 *$ 13,949,067

Note: The average funding per collective will decline substantially with the advent of revenue sharing beginning in the 2025-26 academic year. NIL collectives became a factor in college sports as they performed a function that schools were prohibited from doing themselves. However, with revenue sharing, schools can directly compensate athletes up to $ 20.5 million annually, and the reliance on collectives will be significantly reduced going forward. Schools are facing steep new financial obligations, and most will be looking to redirect booster contributions currently going to collectives, back to the schools to help pay for revenue sharing and increased scholarship commitments.

SEC Conference Schools 2023-24:

Funding *
Ticket SalesContributions
AlabamaSECSEC $ 15,995,406 97,324,316 44,211,016 53,113,300
ArkansasSECSEC $ 11,544,039 70,239,900 48,073,959 22,165,941
Auburn SECSEC $ 11,588,953 70,513,179 34,140,396 36,372,783
FloridaSECSEC $ 15,802,237 96,148,974 34,784,702 61,364,272
GeorgiaSECSEC $ 18,326,566 111,508,298 37,192,353 74,315,945
KentuckySECSEC $ 11,254,204 68,476,390 40,538,111 27,938,279
Louisiana State SECSEC $ 20,137,141 122,524,769 46,594,942 75,929,827
MississippiSECSEC $ 8,872,378 53,984,130 19,574,652 34,409,478
Mississippi State SECSEC $ 6,467,166 39,349,578 16,737,350 22,612,228
MissouriSECSEC $ 7,146,859 43,485,183 13,929,479 29,555,704
South CarolinaSECSEC $ 9,554,700 58,135,731 24,301,862 33,833,869
TennesseeSECSEC $ 11,602,164 70,593,563 35,110,289 35,483,274
Texas A & M SECSEC $ 17,228,714 104,828,397 50,624,287 54,204,110
Vanderbilt SECSECn/an/an/an/a
OklahomaBig 12SEC $ 14,817,595 90,157,905 46,977,771 43,180,134
Texas Big 12SEC $ 22,272,474 135,517,239 57,543,166 77,974,073

* See our disclosure of Methodology as to how these estimates were arrived at.

Listing of NIL Collectives  by School:

AlabamaYea AlabamaThe Tuscaloosa Connection
ArkansasArkansas Edge
Athlete Advocate Consortium
AuburnOn to Victory
FloridaFlorida Victorious
GeorgiaClassic City Collective
KentuckyThe 15 ClubCommonwealth Causes
Louisiana StateBayou Traditions
MississippiThe Grove Collective
Mississippi StateThe Bulldog Initiative
MissouriTiger FundEvery True Tiger Foundation
OklahomaCrimson and Cream1Oklahoma Collective
South CarolinaGarnet TrustCarolina Rise 
TennesseeVolunteer Club
Texas Texas One Fund
Texas A & MTexas Aggies United
VanderbiltAnchor Impact Fund


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Statistics compiled & edited by Patrick O’Rourke, CPA Washington, DC